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Rishika Sharma

The Masters of Tarot Reading & Numerology

Rishika Sharma

The Masters of Tarot Reading & Numerology

Rishika Sharma is a luminary in the mystical arts, a beacon of hope for those seeking guidance and insight into the depths of their souls. With over 11 years of experience, Rishika is a masterful tarot card reader whose expertise and unique perspective allow her to provide personalized readings that are tailored to each client’s individual needs and circumstances.

Rishika Sharma
Rishika Sharma
Relationship Healer

2012, Rishika founded her tarot card reading service with a vision to provide reliable, intuitive guidance that empowers individuals to live their best life. Her mission is to help people gain clarity on any issues they are facing, so that they can make informed choices for the future – all from the comfort of their own home.

Rishika’s mastery of the ancient wisdom of tarot cards, combined with her profound understanding of modern technology, enables her to provide an ever-growing selection of readings, special concealing sessions, numerology, and fengshui services. Her numerology service is a powerful tool that can provide invaluable insights into an individual’s personality, career path, and relationships. Meanwhile, her fengshui service can help individuals create a harmonious living environment that supports their goals and aspirations.

At the core of Rishika’s work is the belief that every person has the potential to discover their own magic, and that her role is to provide the spark that ignites that potential. Her readings are not just about providing answers or guidance, but about empowering individuals to take control of their lives and make lasting positive changes.

If you’re ready to delve into the depths of your own soul and unlock the mysteries of the universe, turn to Rishika Sharma and her tarot card reading service. Her insights and wisdom may surprise you and inspire you to create a better, more fulfilling life.

Rishika Sharma

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Life Path with a Numerology Reading

If you’re someone who believes in the power of numbers, then a numerology reading by Rishika Sharma might just be what you need.

Whether you’re looking to gain insight into your relationships, career, or even your personal strengths and weaknesses, a numerology reading by Rishika Sharma can help you unlock the mysteries of your life path and find the answers you seek.

Rishika Sharma

Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist, Relationship Healer, Councillor & Remedies Contributor

Rishika, have taken your sessions a few times now . And you have been so apt and I see the things happening as you suggested . Feels like dejavo . The simple remedies seems like the small bag of silver dust.
Also, the approach while you talk just what is needed in the session and then change the cap to be counselled just by understanding the vibe amazes me.



At a prophecy session I saw my situation from the outside and found the right solution. Tarot helped me to cope with difficulties in life. The cards showed that everything will get better, and gave me hope.

Marianne Lee

Miami, 25 y.o.

I highly recommend receiving a Tarot card reading, if you want to move forward in your life successfully. Tarot showed more clearly the part of my future I needed to know.  I chose the right way when I was in doubt.

Lisa Brown

LA, 46 y.o.