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Rishika, have taken your sessions a few times now . And you have been so apt and I see the things happening as you suggested . Feels like dejavo . The simple remedies seems like the small bag of silver dust.
Also, the approach while you talk just what is needed in the session and then change the cap to be counselled just by understanding the vibe amazes me.


Marianne Lee

At a prophecy session I saw my situation from the outside and found the right solution. Tarot helped me to cope with difficulties in life. The cards showed that everything will get better, and gave me hope.

Marianne Lee

Miami, 25 y.o.
Lisa Brown

I highly recommend receiving a Tarot card reading, if you want to move forward in your life successfully. Tarot showed more clearly the part of my future I needed to know.  I chose the right way when I was in doubt.

Lisa Brown

LA, 46 y.o.
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